Perguntas para a Au Pair da Host Family

Muitas meninas têm dúvidas sobre o que perguntar para a Host Family, mas e no momento de conversar com a atual Au Pair da família?!

Pensando nisso, preparei uma lista com perguntas que vocês podem fazer para a atual Au Pair da sua futura Host Family! E claro que você pode sempre acabar adaptando a pergunta para algo que seja relacionado com o que a Host Family possivelmente já tenha conversado com você, caso queira saber algo um pouco mais específico!

 How is your relationship with the kids?

 How are their personalities? 

 How is your relationship with the host parents? 

 How is your schedule like and can you give me an example about how is your day like?
 Can you tell me what are your responsibilities there?

 What are you used to making as lunch/dinner to them? 
Do you need to do the list about the groceries? 

 Are you free for eat what you want? 

 Could you tell me what the kids like the most and what they don’t like? 

 How is your social life there? 

 Do they have some kind of rule at the house? 

 What they expected from you? 

 What do you like the most and what you don’t like related to the host family? 

 Are they a comprehensive family? 

 Are your friends or family members allowed to visit you at the house? 

 Do they respect your time off? 

 Do you need to do overtime?

 If some problem happens are they used to solving it at the same moment with conversation?

 And just for we finish that, what kind of advice you would give me if I really become their future au pair? 
